PD Dr. Fabian Blanke
Chefarzt – kommissarisch - Knie-, Hüft-, Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Schwerpunkt Kniechirurgie
Spezielle Orthopädische Chirurgie
Mannschaftsarzt der deutschen Eishockey-Herren-Nationalmannschaft (DEB) Zertifizierter DKG-Knie-Chirurg Zertifizierter AGA-Arthroskopeur
Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction Can Be an Effective Procedure in Patellofemoral Instability with Risk Factors.
Blanke F, Watermann K, Haenle M, Feitenhansl A, Camathias C, Vogt S J Knee Surg. 2020 Oct;33(10):992-997
Arthroscopic Meniscopexy for the Treatment of Nontraumatic Osteochondritis Dissecans in the Knee Joint of Adult Patients.
Blanke F, Feitenhansl A, Haenle M, Vogt S Cartilage. 2020 Oct;11(4):441-446
Results of a New Treatment Concept for Concomitant Lesion of Medial Collateral Ligament in Patients with Rupture of Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
Blanke F, Paul J, Haenle M, Sailer J, Pagenstert G, Wehren LV, Vogt S, Majewski M J Knee Surg. 2017 Sep;30(7):652-658
Risk of Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Is Not Associated With Slope and Concavity of the Tibial Plateau in Recreational Alpine Skiers: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Case
Blanke F, Kiapour AM, Haenle M, Fischer J, Majewski M, Vogt S, Camathias C Am J Sports Med. 2016 Jun;44(6):1508-14
Percutaneous injections of Platelet rich plasma for treatment of intrasubstance meniscal lesions
Blanke F, Vavken P, Haenle M, von Wehren L, Pagenstert G, Majewski M Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2015 Oct 20;5(3):162-6