Dr. Tobias Meindl
Oberarzt - Akutneurologie
Facharzt für Neurologie
2023 -
Arbeitskreis Botulinumtoxin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie
Wissenschaftlicher Preis
2023 -
Zertifikat „Qualifizierte Botulinumtoxintherapie“
Treatment of blepharospasm and Meige's syndrome with abo- and onabotulinumtoxinA: long-term safety and efficacy in daily clinical practice
Jochim A, Meindl T, Huber C, Mantel T, Zwirner S, Castrop F, Haslinger B. Journal of Neurology
[CANVAS: case report on a novel repeat expansion disorder with late-onset ataxia
Meindl T, Cordts I, Scherzer AL, Lingor P, Maegerlein C, Gelassie Deforie C, Dominik L, Houlden H, Cortese A, Deschauer M Der Nervenarzt
Treatment of cervical dystonia with abo- and onabotulinumtoxinA: long-term safety and efficacy in daily clinical practice.
Jochim A, Meindl T, Mantel T, Zwirner S, Zech M, Castrop F, Haslinger B Journal of Neurology
Contribution of the cerebellum to the coupling of grip force and pull force during an isometric precision grip task
Meindl T, Schmid BC, Timmann D, Kolb FP, Kutz DF. Cerebellum