Àngels Mayordomo Aranda
Oberärztin - Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie von Kindern und Jugendlichen
Fachärztin für Kinder- Und Jugendpsychiatrie & Fachärztin für Erwachsene Psychiatrie
Wissenschaftlicher Preis
2011 -
Postgraduierten Diplom für Lehre am Imperial College, London, England, ausgezeichnet mit dem Routledge Education Preis für die beste Abschlussarbeit. Thema: “Liminality, akin to a labyrinth rather than a portal. Improving teaching and learning in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry through Threshold Concepts theory”
2013 -
Poster Preis Maria-de-Gracia Dominguez, Angels Mayordomo-Aranda, Annette Mahon, Matthew Hodes. Training to Teach: A structured Approach for Achieving Competency in Teaching and Supervision in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; PAN london trainee meeting, which took place at the Tavistock in February 2013
Sexuality and Gender identity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Some reflections on Social, Psychiatric and Mental Health Services Changes.
Harper G., Dominguez M., Mayordomo-Aranda A., Hodes M. IACAPAP Monograph in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018; 9: 223-235
Eligibility of patients admitted to a psychiatric hospitalisation unit to take part in the major clinical trials based on schizophrenia treatment in clinical practice.
Iniesta E., Lucas M., Ruiz J., Portela M., Romero-Rodenas P., Tolosa M. T., Díaz M. C., Martín M. Á., Nieto K., M. Martínez D., Lloret J, Mayordomo-Aranda A., Domato M., Fraguas D. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 2012 Apr-Jun; 5(2): 71-8
Predictors of stigmatization of sickle cell disease among trainee teachers in Nigeria.
Ani C., Mayordomo-Aranda A., Kinanee J., Ola B., Kramer T. European Journal of Educational Studies, 2012; 4(3): 349-360
Probable interaction between trazodone and carbamazepine.
Sánchez-Romero A., Mayordomo-Aranda A., García-Delgado R., Durán-Quintana J.A. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2011; 44(4): 158 – 159.