Priv.-Doz. Dr. Moritz Wigand
Ärztlicher Direktor - Schön Klinik Rendsburg
Chefarzt - Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik
Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
- 2014 - DGPPN e. V.
2018 - 2021: Landesarzt für geistig und seelisch behinderte Erwachsene nach § 62 SGB IX für den Regierungsbezirk Schwaben
2020 - Supervisor für Verhaltenstherapie an psychotherapeutischen Instituten
- 2021 - Habilitation zum Thema „Das Stigma psychischer Erkrankungen“
- 2019 - 2021: Stipendiat des Clinician Scientist Programme der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Ulm
Climate Change, Pollution, Deforestation, and Mental Health: Research Trends, Gaps, and Ethical Considerations
Wigand, ME; Timmermann, C; Scherp, A; Becker, T; Steger, F Geohealth 6(11):e2022GH000632
Social constructs and diagnostic perspectives
Wigand, ME; Becker, T Oxford Textbook of Social Psychiatry (Edited by Dinesh Bhugra, Driss Moussaoui, and Tom J Craig), Oxford University Press
Schizophrenia, human rights, and access to healthcare: A systematic search and review of judgments by the European Court of Human Rights
Wigand ME, Orzechowski M, Nowak M, Becker T, Steger F The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 67:168–174
Accepting the Incomprehensible: What Samuel Beckett Can Tell Psychiatrists Today
Wigand ME, Hoff P, Steger F, Becker T The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 209:697–701
Psychosocial reactions to plagues in the cultural history of medicine: A medical humanities approach
Wigand ME, Becker T, Steger F The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 208:443–444
Causal attributions and secrecy in unemployed people with mental health problems
Wigand ME, Oexle N, Staiger T, Waldmann T, Rüsch N Psychiatry Research 272:447–449