Dr. med. univ. Michael Mayr-Riedler
Facharzt - Zentrum für Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie und plastische Chirurgie
Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)
Outcomes and Risk Factors in Microsurgical Forefoot Reconstruction
Mayr-Riedler MS, Wacker A, Gedrich F, Ninkovic M, Machens HG, Dozan M, Broer PN. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Sensory Innervation of the Upper Eyelid and Its Implication for Upper Eyelid Surgery
Mayr-Riedler MS, Broer PN, Hirtler L, Grill C. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Intermetacarpal gap closure with a soft tissue procedure after resection of the finger fourth ray
Mayr-Riedler MS, van Schoonhoven J. The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume
3-Tesla MRI-assisted detection of compression points in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow in correlation with intraoperative findings
Hold A, Mayr-Riedler MS, Rath T, Pona I, Nierlich P, Breitenseher J, Kasprian G. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery